Prices for ordinary recovered paper grades in Germany soaring

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Recovered paper supply in Germany has dropped significantly in the wake of the restrictions due to coronavirus, causing a jump in prices in April.

Recovered paper prices have skyrocketed in Germany over the past few weeks as supply tightened in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. Mass grades have reportedly leapt significantly in price in April, according to a number of sources. By contrast, the situation was still largely stable on Germany's recovered paper market in March. Most prices for ordinary grades had stayed the same for the first time in a long while in that month, with small markdowns only surfacing here and there. Demand from paper mills then intensified towards the end of March when the first signs of supply tightening emerged. Some spot prices had reportedly already occurred at that time.

This article is an excerpt from EUWID's monthly report on the recovered paper market in Germany. Find the report and the EUWID prices for March in EUWID Pulp and Paper issue no 17/2020.
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Source: News


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