Total licence volume for RCP imports into China close to 6 million t


As Chinese mills are trying to get as much recovered fibre as possible on the water in August, export prices for OCC in Europe surge.

Chinese authorities have issued the 11th batch of licences for recovered paper imports into China, bringing the total amount to 5.94 million t. The biggest parts of the new batch went to Liansheng Paper (Longhai) (51,430 t), Shanying International (44,070 t) and Nine Dragons (25,210 t). Many shipping lines announced they would not accept any recovered paper shipments to China after the end of August. Only some Chinese shipping lines are reported to accept recovered paper until the middle or the end of September. Therefore Chinese paper mills are trying to buy paper as quickly as they can to fulfil their allocations, sending OCC export prices in Europe up again in August. EUWID Pulp and Paper keeps busy professionals up-to-date on the latest news from international pulp and paper markets. Test EUWID Pulp and Paper free of charge and without any obligation by clicking here.

Source: News


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